The Arch of Augustus, erected at the eastern end of the Forum Romanum in 20/19 BC
Los 192
Augustus, 27 BC-AD 14. Cistophorus (Silver, 25 mm, 11.83 g, 12 h), Pergamum, 19-18 BC. IMP•IX•TR[•PO•V] Bare head of Augustus to right. Rev. IMP•IX•TR•POT•V• on architrave of triumphal arch, surmounted by facing quadriga, in which Augustus stands facing; before each side wall, aquila; below arch, S•P•R• / SIGNIS / [RE]CEPTIS in three lines. BMC 703. Cohen 298. RIC 510. RPC I 2218. Sutherland Group VIIα. Beautifully toned and with an excellent portrait of fine style. Minor areas of weakness, otherwise, good very fine.

From the collection of the renowned Swiss architect Max Vogt (1925-2019), ex Schweizerische Kreditanstalt Monetarium FPL 63, spring 1995, 109.

The arch depicted on the reverse of this beautiful cistophorus is the Arch of Augustus, erected at the eastern end of the Forum Romanum in 20/19 BC across the Via Sacra, between the Temple of Castor and Pollux and the Temple of Divus Iulius. It was constructed to celebrate Augustus' recovery of the legionary eagles lost by Crassus and Antony in Parthia and likely replaced an earlier, single-arched structure which celebrated the victory at Actium. Little remains of the arch today, thus making the numismatic evidence crucial to our understanding of its appearance.
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